Our beloved Octavia Butler passes away.

Octavia Butler.

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THAT is how fly she was.


  1. dallas says

    word! nigs need to know ’bout Octavia!

    what happened to you sat. nite?!? and doun’t tell me you was reading your copy of ‘kindred’ in honor of sis…

  2. Hummingbyrd says

    Your a dork.

    I ended up walking round bk eatin’ ad by the nite, was hella tired.

    How was it?

  3. dallas says

    in terms of nerd universe I am what is called a geeky spaz. not a dork or a dweeb.

    the party was fire like lava.

  4. Hummingbyrd says

    DP you gettin skinsative.

    Everyone is a dork in my book.

    The better you get to know me, the more you realize that that sentence comes out of my mouth reflexivly.