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Speaking of race- er America’s favorite past time, Big Walt has an interesting post about White assimilation and red neck identity. Peep it.
I’m taking it on faith that you know how offensive the word redneck is. Good looks on the link.
About the B. Rhymes incident; I understand as much as anyone the relationship between blk men and the cops. But come on the dude who got shot (trying to protect Busta) left a wife and seed. I’m just saying…
The article on Hustle and Flow was on some bullshit.
@ Walt.
Yes. I know that it is offensive.
Do you consider yourself a redneck?
For arguement sake, there is an idea of “RED NECK” identity, and very few people EVER talk about what it means.
Consequently, I do not see my usage as offensive.
@ Jase,
You compassionate now?
We ain’t BEEN speaking to the popo, why we suppose to start now.
All lem people saw Pac get shot and the police “still don’t know who did it”.
If you wanna guard rappers, be prepared to loose your life.
A life is a life. That would be like me going to Iraq in the army, but not thinking Imma get blown up. F*ck outta here fam (“Fohf”).
I hope I dont get shot around you. I want niggas to find the shooter.
They will find dude.
They know who did it allready.
It was funk b/w two camps.
You faith in the police suprises me.
Yeah of course it wasn’t offensive. I’m curious as to what you mean by redneck identity though.
@ Walt
Red Neck Identity within the popular sense. All of the stereo types that you can think of. I will not go over them here. Think “King of the Hill”.
Then there is red neck identity in the West Virgina miner sense; people who have been Sacrificed like the Hurricane Starkesha , I mean Katrina residents of New Orleans.
Red Necks.
a. Don’t like hip hop.
b. Vote republican.
c. Have more in common w/ black/ latino/ south east asian/ indian, people in terms of a lack of proper access to education, health care and decent housing than the MEDIA would lead them to believe.
c. Have more in common w/ black/ latino/ south east asian/ indian, people in terms of a lack of proper access to education, health care and decent housing than the MEDIA would lead them to believe.
YES. God that is the entire point of my existence right now almost. As a matter of fact, I’m writing a paper about the word “redneck” right now. Want me to email it to you?
Walt. of course you can e-mail it to me.
Just be careful. When Malcom changed from Kill whitey, to poor people unite, THAT, is when he got killt.
“Just be careful. When Malcom changed from Kill whitey, to poor people unite, THAT, is when he got killt. “
I’ll take a slug for the cause like Huey P. You may now identify where that quote is from and call me a hypocrite. Paper will be emailed shortly.
Except I can’t find your email anywhere.
You should post a clip on your blog so that WE can all talk about it.
Not to be bossy.