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Conneticut is suing the federal goverment over No Child Can Read (No CHILD LEFT BEHIND NCLB). It makes sense. Conneticut is first in the nation in per student spending. I hear that the attorney general is involved. Quite Gully. Here is a summary:
- NCLB requires states to test the students like crack heads.
- BUT the BUSH & ‘nem will not PROVIDE THE MONEY for the tests.
- WHICH MEANS that the momma’s and the daddies have to use their paper to pay for a goverment requiered test.
- So you wanna flunk my kid and you want me to pay for the test that WILL certify the flunk. Sure. Where is the vaseline?
When is the New NERD/Pharrell coming out?
Is there something wrong with me if I listen to this and this, back to back, at night and in the morning.
Hashim has a post about HIP HOP (soft) PORN magazines. You know KING, CHERRY, I meab EYE CANDY. He frames it as a argument about publishing.
When reality it is about:
a. Black womens bodies selling sexual fantisies
b.Pop crs, regardless of the consequences, at all costs.
ulture, and how it uses Black womens bodies to sell sex fantasies.
c. Capitalism, Corporations, and the tendency of Corporations to serve share holde
Dude. The Zora Neal Hurston Festival. Need I say more.
The law is the only thing that legally imprisons you. And if you don?t understand the laws language, then you are not free.
-(C)Johnnie Cochran R.I.P.
a. Masta Ace
c.Ed Og
d. Rass Kass
e. (Old) Alkaholics,
even though the new jawn is suppose to be Dope
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Hey Fella

Oh an this is so sexy. (victoria
Ladies, it isn’t romantic but get him the NBA league pass.
Nothing like sitting at home on a sunday night, eating vegetable lasagne watching AI take it to Kobe. He just might fall in love with you.
The is valet, from red envelop also, is mad cute and
and functional. He will think of you every time he picks up his keys/wallet :).
So. Wow. Blog family. That was a long one. I am working on a few post topics:
- The ten best disses in HH.
- Ten authors you are not up on.
- Ta Nehisi-Cotes, and his love of his son.
Leave me love, I mean messages. I’ll be back this weekend. -MM