I clock G’s/ While you clock Z’s

and I dont smoke crack/ I smoke emcees/.

So I log off for a day and come back and Kobe don’ scored 81 points. Is that legal?

I know ya’ll musta been praying for me because the CONSTITUTIONAL law professor called on me today. (Peep the link. He is a big dude too.)

Understand blog family. He asks ONE STUDENT questions for the entire duration of the class. YOU NEVER KNOW IF YOU ARE GOING TO BE PICKED. I REPPED’ MODEL MINORITIES TODAY FAM. TRUST.

I was nervous at first, then it just felt like we were having a “conversate”(tion) about the constituional, states rights, contracts and property. Whew. Talk about slaying dragons on a Monday afternoon. All I can say is that I AM GLAD I did today’s homework. REAL TALK.

So you mean to tell me you got gully dudes on ships, jackin’ fools and firin’ at other fools. Sounds like a Jerry Bruckheimer movie. First Cam and Jay funkin’ and now real life Pirates. Next thing you know Hillary gon’ run for president!