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Something really significant must have happended today politcally, because the STRANGEST post-MLK day news has been coming out. Today sorta reminds me of when I was little I could tell, based on the clouds and the humidity, if an earthquake was coming. Walk with me now.
New Orleans Negroes killing fools in Texas. What would you do if you got evicited from your town and was being treated like the wicked step sister? Okay, prolly not murder people, but you proably would be angry enough to be rather violent.
And about New Orleans. Why is the Mayor walking around talking about Chocolate City. Does he know he will get the “getcho hand outta my pocket” treatment?” You can’t walk around talking about your gonna have a “chocolate city” located on PRIME American real estate. I predict he will be resigning soon.
Dude. Methamphetamines is the the NEW CRACK in rural, working poor white America. The fact that it is so pervasive, yet there is NOTHING substancial and significant being done to address it confirms my hypothesis that negroes and poor white are “going to hell in a special little handbasket” together.
Hillary Clinton out there talking about the White House is being ran like a
Plantation. Dude. A plantation. Maybe like a brothel. But a plantation. Does she think we really are that desperate to be liked? Okay, so we are, but it does NOT need to be broadcast on the news.
“Dude. Methamphetamines is the the NEW CRACK in rural, working poor white America. The fact that it is so pervasive, yet there is NOTHING substancial and significant being done to address it confirms my hypothesis that negroes and poor white are “going to hell in a special little handbasket” together.”
Maaaaan I put you on my blogroll for a reason homie.
are those the same as waterpillls?
I see you big Walt.
Zora says, speak so that you can speak again.