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They got this ignant ass article inna Villagevoice about what wp’s on facebook listen to. I don’t give a flying f*ck about what them nigg*s lissen’ to. Somebody did make a valid point about how w collge kids do not “CONNECT” w/ hip hop the way they do with -er, Dave Matthews Band. On one level…it was kinda racist ( you connect to WHAT you connect to), but then again I felt them. It is what it is.
But even to take it one step further, I think that WK’s are able to feel some of that ignorant as HH because by and large, it ain’t they communities being affected. And before you try and lobb one of them back pack head wrap allegations lissen’!
I peep how when negros come w/ the critical arguments some people who write about hip hop try silence ’em, and undermine ’em, deride ’em with allegations of being a backpacker….But I tell you a$$ quick…being a back packer changed my life fam…and I put that on 83rd and A street. Town business. RIP to Darcell Lewis.
Think about the people who whine about the old heads complainin’ about the state of HH. Yeah we mad, man. Looking at HH hurts. Looking at the hood hurts. Of course we are going to complain. We are the first generation to simultaneously benefit from and lose (many of) the sacrifices that the old heads maintained for us in jthe 50’s & 60’s.
I would even argue that one of the privileges of being a w hh fan is that you can love the music but not trip off how destructive it is.
It has NEVER been just music for us. Never. Sam Cooke. James Brown. Dude. Marvin. NWA. . We might have laughed at Pharcyde or the Beatnuts. But trust…we allways knew which side our bread was butter on, which side of the tree we could swing from.
But it was never *just* music because our ability to speak was *never* just speaking. It was our language. One of the only things that could never be taken from us. Show me a nigg@ who been through some sh*t and I will show you someone with some fascinating language.
For the record. I personally believe that the MUSIC should not change. I think that the young bucks abilities analytical faculties should be cultivated. But that is another story.
But then again. Some white kid’s in the country just as f*cked off in the game as ours. They are being under or uneducated also, so we are all going to h*ll in a handbasket (as my momma say).
On that Go Ignant Mix type that I bought for ONLY $6…there is a joint w/ Casual…and E-40..when I was lissenin’ to it this morning I was like…who as THAT nigg@ rappin’….
Why did one of my finals get postponed ’till January…you know imma have to knuckle up in the next couple of days…. Ohhh wee…New Idea Blog Family…Immm start doing some posts under Sex and Money…’cuz you know sex and money are so pervasive in the lives of WOMEN especially…but if you trip….ain’t nobody writin’ about that ‘ish though….so I introduce to you…
Dig the blog…I’ll keep you posted
aww…fam…I am glad you stopped through….
“But even to take it one step further, I think that WK’s are able to feel some of that ignorant as HH because by and large, it ain’t they communities being affected. And before you try and lobb one of them back pack head wrap allegations lissen’!”
I’m not arguing with you, but try living in an impoverished/working class white town. Shit is definitely affecting us.
Dude….I know there be some under-educated, under employed white towns too. Thats the ish that gets lost in the discussion.
I mentioned that WK’s be having ff’d up ‘hoods too.
My mistake, I commented before reading the whole thing.
Nawww. thats understandable I be doing the same thing too….I am glad you checked back fam…
can you please upload that ignant mix man!
Did you hear about the new Black Barbie?
It comes with 12 kids, AIDS and a welfare check.
What is black, white, and rolls off the end of the pier?
A nigger and a seagull fighting over a chicken wing.
What do you get when you cross a nigger with a gorilla?
A dumb gorilla.
What is the difference between Batman and a black man?
Batman can go out at night without Robin.
Did you hear about the new Chap Stick for niggers?
It comes in a spray can.
What’s the difference between niggers and pit-bulls?
It’s still legal to own a pit-bull.