Doesn’t L look fierce in that turquoise silk skirt w/ pleats….when I saw it I thought…I could make THAT.
The dope thing about going to L-school near the courts and the jails is that eventhough
I see one or two other kneegrows in class, I see quite a few on their way to court in the morning. The ironic part is that is that I may represent 🙂 or prosecute 🙁 them in a few years.
Harriet Miers failed. It looks like she is going to be nominated after all.
I have been feeling lately, quite gully. One of my folks called me a boogie thug…..I thought
that captured something….
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- Walmart is the LARGEST american employer. Period.
- The decductable for their healthcare is so high, that an estimated 30-40% of there employees are
CD’s that I want The NEW Digable Plants The NEW Dangerdoom More Art Blakey….that is one drum playing black man…. The NEW Dwele…did you know there was a new Jameroquai also?
Wu Tang Meets indie culture…side bar….these fools are going to get sued for that logo…
you CANNOT mess with Mac intellectual prop fools….
Black writers that do not get not nearly enough shine. Randall Kennan Amazing short story writer. He employs black magic realism in a way that Toni Morrison only has confidence and talent to do.
Percival Evertt Percival is dope because he writes stories…not Black stories….the characters are well developed…multilayered and introspective. Percival is a throw back to the race men of our previous generation. When was the last time you encountered a writer of any ethnicity with integrity?
Gayle Jones I always knew about Gayle Jones, but I did not REALLY get put on until 2000. Then I devoured all of her books. Her depiction of the mental interaction of black men and women has NEVER been matched. Period. Peep her game.
Matt Johnson
Matt is the kind of writer that, after reading his first chapter, I knew that he was the kind of CAT that I would like to kick it with. That is not to say that ME wanting to kick it with an author is a pre req for me wanting to read/like a book. But it is significant. Anyone that can write a Harlem based thriller mystery with GENTRIFICATION as a central theme, is ambitious, creative and fearless in my book.
Thanks for the authors-son. I’ll check out their books ASAP.
Awww. family when are you going to have time to do that????? Mr. No Sleep.
Thank you for dropping in…Time for me to get some sleep….the down side to coffee is insomnia dude:(