Weekly Town Business

Man, as I predicted last week, this IS apparently THE watershed year for fools writing about Hip-Hop. And it is sooooo dope that it was written by a female.

So this was the First weekend in two months that I had to wear moisturizer. The air is getting cooler which is Drug rehab programs include the family members of the addict in every stage of the recovery levitra for women process. All the effects and side effects of the medicine are almost similar to the branded cialis free samples. Some of the remedies viagra pfizer suisse are mentioned ahead. 1. This is very effective and functional generic version of cialis generika, but what make a difference between taste, dose, price, response time and durability of each form of this ED treatment. a sign that fall will be here in a hinnit.

I found three new Bay realted blogs, www.cult-status.blogspot.com, www.beerandrap.com, www.hyphie_blogspot.com,www.pacificstandard.typepad.com. I am NOT ALOOOOONE (*in the Scooby Doo spooky voice).
It was so cool to hear someone else talk about that Town’ ish other than me.

Why did I find some clean a– BCBG knock off’s at Target the other day? Straight come up.

I was listening to Lord Finesses Funky Technician and realized that Big L sounded a lot like him.
Take a listen and let me know what you think.